Marc Marquez vs media Italia, sekarang udah main fisik!!

image – Berita mengejutkan dari, bahwa perseteruan antara Marc vs Rossi sudah merembet ke pihak ketiga, media!! Memang, kalau diperhatikan lebih mendalam, yang bikin gara-gara ya media Italia itu, dimana kru acara TV Le Lene (The Hyenas),
acara TV satir yang menyindir kejadian politik maupun kejadian menyolok, dengan sengaja mendatangi rumah Marquez untuk memberikan penghargaan “Cup of Shit”, mbuh apa isinya, atau apa modusnya, yang MR rasa sih pasti berkaitan dengan #SepangClash minggu lalu.
Entah gimana awalnya, mereka bertemu dengan keluarga Marquez, yang tidak terima dengan kehadiran kru TV tersebut di rumahnya, dan terjadilah perusakan kamera dan perampasan memory card milik para kru TV.
Hmmm….semakin panas aja situasinya, ga membayangkan nanti seperti apa seri terakhir di Valencia, bahkan kabar terakhir, para fans Rossi, Lorenzo dan Marquez bakalan dipisah untuk antisipasi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan!!
Monggo kalau mau baca lengkapnya dari berikut MR kutipkan berita dalam bahasa Inggrisnya

The Italians were from the TV show Le Iene (The Hyenas), which is described by Wikipedia as “a comedy/satirical show, with sketches and reports into political affairs and consumerissues”.
In the latest unsavoury episode following Valentino Rossi’s penalty for clashing with Marquez in the Malaysian MotoGP, it appears Le Iene staff were planning to present a mock
‘Cup of Shit’ award to Marquez.
A translated post on the programme’s Facebook page reads:
“This afternoon we went to Spain to try to deliver to MotoGP rider Marc Marquez the ‘Cup of Shit’, a special award created to celebrate the ‘deeds’ of the Spanish champion. But things did not go as the two were expecting.
“We arrived near the home of the parents of the rider where we met Marc Marquez, his father, his brother and their friend. When we tried to
deliver our cup we were attacked and a scuffle broke the camera and removed the video cards. Probably they wanted a bigger cup.”
“Stephen and Alexander [the Le Iene journalists] are now in hospital, healing from their injuries.”
Marquez’s management have issued the following statement which, translated from Spanish, is as follows:
“Yesterday there were some unfortunate events in Cervera. A group of people appeared at the
home of [Marc Marquez] and uttered a series of insults, performed certain humiliating and ridiculous actions toward the rider himself and even pushing and assaulting [his] closest
relatives. Given the seriousness of the action, such acts have been reported and the normal course of criminal proceedings continue against such persons.
“Representative of the rider Emilio Alzamora, given the circumstances, requests that “actions like these do not happen again” and calls for “the deserved respect both to Marc and to his family.”

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5 responses to “Marc Marquez vs media Italia, sekarang udah main fisik!!

  1. Waduh..merembet ke mana mana..


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